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G7 2017 in Taormina and the Schengen Suspension: Back to the Future

The Italian Ministry of the Interior, with D.M. 6 April 2017, established that the border controls at all internal borders (airports, ports and land) has been restored from 10 May to 30 May 2017.  This decision has been issued in order to implement the security checks dedicated to the G7 2017 Summit which will be held in Taormina from 26 May to 27 May 2017.  In order to enable the Border Police to perform the above mentioned controls, all the airlines operators, for the period referred above, are invited to send the API (Advance Passenger Information) data related to the passengers arriving to as well as departing from an airport located in the national territory both on extra Schengen and on intra Schengen flights.

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