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Closing of the agreement between Messina Group and financial lenders

On June 30th, 2020, has taken place the closing of the restructuring agreement executed by Messina group (through the companies Gruppo Messina S.p.A., Ignazio Messina & C. S.p.A. and RoRo Italia S.p.A.) – historic shipping group of Genoa specialized in supplying shipping services internationally – and its financial lenders: Banca Carige, AMCO, Ubi Banca, Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, Banca Passadore, Banco BPM, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Kerma Spv e Nuova Frontiera Spv.

The agreement with the financial institutions – which was part of the broader project of strengthening and relaunching Messina Group through the acquisition by Marinvest S.r.l. (Marinvest) of 49% of the share capital of Ignazio Messina & C. S.p.A. (Ignazio Messina & C.) and of 52% of the share capital of RoRo Italia S.p.A. (RoRo Italia) (the companies of the Messina Group that own the fleet of vessels and the terminal concessions in the port of Genoa) – provides for the gradual repayment of the capital in accordance with a continuity plan based on the activities of the shipping company and to the related activities belonging to the group of Genoa.

BonelliErede advised Gruppo Messina S.p.A., Ignazio Messina & C. and RoRo Italia  with regard to all aspects related to the transaction, with a team led by Vittorio Lupoli, partner of the Restructuring & Insolvency Focus Team, Filippo Chiodini, managing associate of the Restructuring & Insolvency Focus Team, as well as Alessandro Musella, partner.

R&P Legal advised Marinvest with regard to all legal aspects related to the transaction, with a team led by the partner Fabrizio Iliceto, with the support of the associate Alfredo Della Bella.

Prof. Giacomo D’Attorre, partner of Nardone, D’Attorre, Improta, Oliviero & Partners law firm, advised Banca Carige (Carige), leading a team also consisting of the partners Gaetano Improta and Mario Oliviero.

Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners advised AMCO S.p.A. with a team led by the partner Roberto Cappelli with the support of the managing associate Matia B. Maggioni and of the associate Caterina Bianchi.

White & Case supported the other financial institutions involved, with a team composed by the partner Andrea Novarese and the associates Tiziana Germinario and Francesco Mozzone.

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