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Condhotel between hotel and residential function, the example of Emilia-Romagna Region

di Laura Demelas e Vincenzo D’Antoni

Condhotels are “facilities … providing accommodation, ancillary service and possibly meal, by rooms intended both for tourism and, in an integrated and complementary way, for residential use …”. The distinctive element therefore is the coexistence of hotel and residential function.


With Prime Ministerial Decree n. 13/18 implementing Law n. 164/14 (“Sblocca Italia“), the operational conditions were set down in a view of diversifying the tourist offer and encouraging investments in the upgrade of existing businesses.

Emilia-Romagna, by its Reg. Law of 17 April 2019, has better defined the rules and requirements for setting up and managing these facilities, among others looking at supporting international customers. An excellent example of harmonisation between regional and government regulations.

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