Employment & Industrial Relations
Harmonizing the productive dimension of companies with a changing world of work that demands high-value solutions
Our consultancy responds to the needs of companies to have flexible and innovative solutions to enhance and protect the organizational contexts in which their activities are carried out in the national and international market. For a service that takes into account the constantly evolving productive, economic and social reality – smart working, ESG issues in the work environment – we combine purely labor-related experience with our expertise in corporate, regulatory, tax, criminal and intellectual property matters.
We stand by multinational companies and groups operating in different sectors. What characterizes us is a deep sensitivity to the specific dynamics of each production segment and the ability to act within a comprehensive vision in order to enhance and exploit the best practices of each sector.
- We provide consultancy and assistance to international and multinational companies, both out-of-court and in-court, regarding labor aspects related to restructuring processes with staff redundancies, M&A operations, business transfers and outsourcing, externalization and outsourcing of business sectors.
- We deal with managing relationships with professional resources and defining contractual relationships with top management, customized clauses and defining the work structure of new business activities – including the choice of contract types, classification, remuneration plans, tax and corporate aspects – as well as structuring sales networks or other external structures such as contracts, network contracts, joint ventures. We develop tailored solutions to protect the talents of each individual company and to retain the most valuable skills.
- We have extensive experience in litigation across the entire national territory for sensitive and complex issues such as individual and collective dismissals, breach of non-compete obligations, the improper hiring of employees and other unfair competition cases; and for the protection of corporate assets and image, data confidentiality insurance, even in relation to potential unfair collaborators.
Our Team
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Counsel
Attorney at Law | Of Counsel
Attorney at Law | Of Counsel
Attorney at Law | Of Counsel
Attorney at Law | Of Counsel
Attorney at Law | Senior Associate
Attorney at Law | Senior Associate
Attorney at Law | Senior Associate
Attorney at Law | Associate