China Desk
The legal and tax advice we offer is aimed both at Chinese companies, entrepreneurs and investors who intend to approach Italian and European scenarios and at Italian clients during the stages of their expansion in the Far East. Since 1998 we have been assisting entrepreneurial activities and investments between Italian-Chinese partners through meticulous legal advice and a very high competence in the management of critical issues related to transnational agreements involving different jurisdictions and languages, as well as different cultural approaches.
In particular, in our interactions with China and Hong Kong, we rely on a scrupulously constructed network composed of both international and local Chinese law firms, as well as consultants and banks having their offices in the largest commercial hubs located throughout China. Through our network we maintain excellent relationships with Chinese authorities and the business community residing in the most active commercial China, “Greater China.” Through our network we maintain excellent relationships with Chinese authorities and the business community residing in the most active commercial China, “Greater China.”
We mainly deal with:
- Scheduling European or Asian transactions for Chinese and European clients respectively.
- Cross-border extraordinary finance transactions – compliance with laws from different jurisdictions.
- Joint ventures in Europe and Asia.
- Tax planning in cross-border M&A contexts.
- Issues related to intellectual property protection, labor law and related to human resource management.
- Advising on the defense of client interests through assistance both before territorial courts and in arbitration proceedings.
我们提供的法律和税务咨询既针对希望进入意大利和欧洲市场的中国公司、企业家和投资者,也针对在远东地区扩张阶段的意大利客户。自 1998 年以来,我们一直在协助意大利和中国合作伙伴之间的创业活动和投资,提供细致入微的法律建议,并在处理涉及不同司法管辖区和语言以及不同文化方法的跨国协议的关键问题方面具有极高的专业水平。
特别是在与中国大陆和香港的交往中,我们依靠精心建立的网络,该网络既包括国际律师事务所,也包括中国本地律师事务所,还包括位于中国各地最大商业中心的咨询公司和银行。通过我们的联系网络,我们与中国政府以及居住在商业最活跃的中国 “大中华区 “的商界人士保持着良好的关系。
– 分别为中国和欧洲客户进行欧洲或亚洲交易规划。
– 跨境特殊融资交易—遵守不同司法管辖区的法律。
– 欧洲和亚洲的合资企业。
– 跨境并购中的税务筹划。
– 知识产权保护、劳动法和人力资源管理问题。
– 通过在地区法院和仲裁程序中提供协助,为维护客户利益提供建议。
Our Team
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Counsel
Attorney at Law | Counsel