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RPLT is born – as a result of the integration between RP Legal & Tax and Legalitax

RP Legal & Tax and Legalitax announce that they have reached a strategic agreement to unite and enhance their human and professional capital, thus creating RPLT RP legalitax.

It is a new and important challenge, in a complex market trying to balance pricings and corporate budgets.

The integration is designed to respond to a vision of the future of the legal and tax profession, at a moment when clients’ needs quickly become more sophisticated and international.

The agreement follows a positive experience of collaboration thorugh a revolution that is involving the world of law and tax firms in this first quarter of 21st century. The idea was that of joining forces to create a critical mass of human and economic capital. This, in turn, will make it possible to effectively and swiftly approach the market, making important technological investments in order to strengthen existing relationships and create new business opportunities.

The new organization of RPLT RP legalitax counts about 200 lawyers and accountants who will cooperate to propose effective and versatile solutions capable of tackling rapid changes in the normative, economic, productive and financial scenarios, in Italy and abroad. A challenge that is meant to look ahead, at the future and the training of the new generations that are beginning the legal and tax professions.

“Multidisciplinarity is the key to successfully address the needs of Italian and foreign companies”, says Riccardo Rossotto

“Today’s lawyers and accountants must be perceived by clients as opportunities rather than costs. They are problem solvers, who should be able to anticipate and assess risks at the beginning of projects, and to support entrepreneurs throughout them. In order to achieve this, it is imperative to create an innovative culture combining legal acumen with concrete market needs. This balancing creates substantial value for companies”, adds Alberto De Nigro.

Andrea Rescigno points out that “all the people involved in this operation have shared common values, thus bringing passion, energy and independent thought”.

The integration is aimed at increasing revenues and to valorize the many specializations already existing in the two parties that compose RPLT RP legalitax.

Last but not least, the most important of these shared values is a vision of solidarity and the focus on people. “The dream at the base of this integration”, concludes Riccardo Rossotto, “is the possibility to find a balance between ambition and solidarity, between the need to look for new business opportunities and the observance of the professions’ codes of ethics, between the sustainability of the organization and the happiness of starting every morning the work day in the RPLT community”.

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