German Desk
For legal and tax assistance to German companies in Italy and Italian companies in Germany, we rely on a professional team of lawyers and certified public accountants with 20 years of experience and the support of a network of trusted foreign correspondents.
- Our clients are leading German industrial groups,to whom we provide assistance in the international taxation of intercompany transactions and financial flows, in the identification of permanent establishments, Transfer Pricing and related drafting of National Transfer Pricing Documentation, as well as assistance in tax inspections and tax disputes involving intercompany transactions and coordination between international group reporting and Italian accounting principles.
- We take care of the corporate aspects of relations between Italian directors and parent companies in Germany – including the latter’s responsibilities for management and coordination-and the labor law aspects of contracts and possible liabilities of directors and managers in Italy who are held accountable to central management in Germany.
- We design internal control systems and procedures aimed at preventing the liability of directors called upon to sign statements and documents on behalf of companies in the relevant multinational group, and we assist companies in their relations with the Internal Revenue Service, for example, for the Co-operative Tax Compliance reward scheme or Advance Pricing Agreements. We provide due diligence services and assistance in negotiations for the acquisition of corporate interests in Italy and in corporate and commercial litigation in Italy.
Für die rechtliche und steuerliche Betreuung deutscher Unternehmen in Italien und italienischer Unternehmen in Deutschland können wir uns auf ein professionelles Team von Rechtsanwälten und Wirtschaftsprüfern mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung und ein Netz von vertrauenswürdigen ausländischen Korrespondenten stützen.
- Unsere Mandanten sind führende deutsche Industriekonzerne, denen wir bei der internationalen Besteuerung konzerninterner Transaktionen und Finanzströme, bei der Ermittlung von Betriebsstätten, Verrechnungspreisen und der damit verbundenen Erstellung der nationalen Verrechnungspreisdokumentation sowie bei Steuerprüfungen und Steuerstreitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit konzerninternen Transaktionen und der Koordinierung zwischen internationaler Konzernberichterstattung und italienischen Rechnungslegungsgrundsätzen zur Seite stehen.
- Wir kümmern uns um die gesellschaftsrechtlichen Aspekte der Beziehungen zwischen italienischen Geschäftsführern und Muttergesellschaften in Deutschland – einschließlich der Verantwortlichkeiten der letzteren für Management und Koordination – sowie um die arbeitsrechtlichen Aspekte von Verträgen und möglichen Haftungen von Geschäftsführern und Managern in Italien, die dem zentralen Management in Deutschland gegenüber verantwortlich sind.
- Wir entwerfen interne Kontrollsysteme und -verfahren, um die Haftung von Geschäftsführern zu vermeiden, die aufgefordert sind, Erklärungen und Dokumente im Namen und im Auftrag der betreffenden multinationalen Konzerngesellschaften zu unterzeichnen, und unterstützen Unternehmen in ihren Beziehungen zu den italienischen Steuerbehörden, z. B. im Rahmen des Belohnungssystems der Co-operative Tax Compliance oder des Advance Pricing Agreement. Wir bieten Due-Diligence-Dienstleistungen und Unterstützung bei Verhandlungen über den Erwerb von Unternehmensbeteiligungen in Italien sowie bei gesellschafts- und handelsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten in Italien.
For legal and tax assistance to German companies in Italy and Italian companies in Germany, we rely on a professional team of lawyers and certified public accountants with 20 years of experience and the support of a network of trusted foreign correspondents.
- Our clients are leading German industrial groups,to whom we provide assistance in the international taxation of intercompany transactions and financial flows, in the identification of permanent establishments, Transfer Pricing and related drafting of National Transfer Pricing Documentation, as well as assistance in tax inspections and tax disputes involving intercompany transactions and coordination between international group reporting and Italian accounting principles.
- We take care of the corporate aspects of relations between Italian directors and parent companies in Germany – including the latter’s responsibilities for management and coordination-and the labor law aspects of contracts and possible liabilities of directors and managers in Italy who are held accountable to central management in Germany.
- We design internal control systems and procedures aimed at preventing the liability of directors called upon to sign statements and documents on behalf of companies in the relevant multinational group, and we assist companies in their relations with the Internal Revenue Service, for example, for the Co-operative Tax Compliance reward scheme or Advance Pricing Agreements. We provide due diligence services and assistance in negotiations for the acquisition of corporate interests in Italy and in corporate and commercial litigation in Italy.
Our Team
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Partner
Attorney at Law | Counsel
Attorney at Law | Counsel