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Update | Italy now has a digital nomads visa: here is what you need to know

Digital Nomads in Italy – The Decree on visa has finally been published

On April 4 Italy published a long-awaited Decree outlining the procedures and requirements to obtain a visa to enter, stay, and work the country as a digital nomad.

Citizens from non-EU countries engaged in highly qualified remote work, either independently or for a foreign company, can obtain the visa as “digital nomads” or “remote workers”.

Here are some useful definitions:

  • Highly qualified work activity refers to the activity performed by foreigners who prove to be highly-skilled people with a university or college degree (minimum 3 years) from an accredited institution, an accredited professional license, or accredited superior professional experience.
  • A digital nomad is defined as a foreigner who carries out self-employed work activity through the use of technological tools enabling remote work.
  • A remote worker is defined as a foreigner who, through the use of technological tools enabling remote work, carries out subordinate or collaborative work activities.

The requirements:

Article 3 of the new decree establishes the requirements for obtaining the visa and the related residence permit:

  • A minimum annual income from lawful sources not less than three times the minimum level required for exemption from participation in health expenses: that is, around €28,000
  • Health insurance for medical care and hospitalization valid in Italy for the entire period of stay;
  • Adequate documentation regarding housing arrangements;
  • Previous experience of at least 6 months in the field of work activity to be carried out as a digital nomad or remote worker;
  • Employment contract or collaboration contract or (if remote workers) the related binding offer for the performance of the highly qualified work activity;
  • Declaration signed by the employer or client – accompanied by a copy of the identity document – attesting to the absence of criminal convictions, in the last 5 years, for offenses referred to the TUI (including, aiding illegal immigration to Italy and illegal emigration from Italy to other States).

How to apply:

Those who wish to apply for the digital nomad visa should follow the following steps:

  • They should apply at the Italian Consulate which is competent for the geographical area where they have residency.
  • Before going to the Italian Consulate, they should obtain and complete the visa application form (attention: each Consular office might have its own unique application form) with their full name, as it appears on the passport. Once the visa application form is complete, they do not have to sign it as it must be signed before an Italian Consular Visa Officer.
  • Then they should book an appointment with the Italian Consulate

The timing:

After obtaining the Visa, entry into Italy is possible. Within 8 days of entry, the residence permit must be requested. It can be granted for a period of one year and it is renewable if the requirements are met.

If you wish to read an Italian version of this article containing references to the laws and articles that regulate digital nomadism in Italy, click here

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