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Art Law

We take care of those who love art and recognize its value, as well as the art market and its operators

Art and cultural heritage represent a pivotal element of our society, igniting the passion of users and collectors, involving economic and financial interests related to the market and the enhancement of artworks and collections.

We understand that market operators artists, collectors, auction houses, foundations, art galleries, museum institutions, intermediaries or pure investors need precise indications and specific assistance that addresses not only economic considerations, but also strategic vision and virtuous practices.

  • We are present in the art sector with a team of lawyers and tax advisors who provide assistance in contractual, corporate, intellectual property, tax and asset protection matters.
  • The necessarily integrated approach of this type of consultancy leads us to collaborate with industry professionals, such as gallery owners, appraisers, valuers, insurers, specialists in art transport, custody and protection.
  • We have specific and recognized expertise in creating tools to optimize the protection and management of art collections and artworks, such as foundations, trusts and other planning, integrity and value preservation tools.

Due to the commitment, passion and care we have dedicated to this field for years, we have well-established relationships with the world of art and culture, starting with those with the MIBACT (Italian Ministry of Culture) and private and public museums and artistic institutions. By virtue of this position, we actively participate in public initiatives, conferences and debates, striving for greater institutional attention to relevant cultural and artistic issues. We propose, also through lobbying activities, innovative legal instruments for the growth and development of the sector.

Our Team

Gianluca Morretta

Attorney at Law | Partner

Cristina Bellomunno

Attorney at Law | Counsel

Ilaria Carli

Attorney at Law | Counsel

Alberto Agresti

Attorney at Law | Associate

La “Certificazione B Corporation” è un marchio che viene concesso in licenza da B Lab, ente privato no profit, alle aziende che, come la nostra, hanno superato con successo il B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) e soddisfano quindi i requisiti richiesti da B Lab in termini di performance sociale e ambientale, responsabilità e trasparenza.

Si specifica che B Lab non è un organismo di valutazione della conformità ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) n. 765/2008 o un organismo di normazione nazionale, europeo o internazionale ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) n. 1025/2012.

I criteri del BIA sono distinti e autonomi rispetto agli standard armonizzati risultanti dalle norme ISO o di altri organismi di normazione e non sono ratificati da parte di istituzioni pubbliche nazionali o europee.

“Certified B Corporation” is a trademark licensed by B Lab, a private non-profit organization, to companies like ours that have successfully completed the B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) and therefore meet the requirements set by B Lab for social and environmental performance,accountability, and transparency.

It is specified that B Lab is not a conformity assessment body as defined by Regulation (EU) no. 765/2008, nor is it a national, European, or international standardization body as per Regulation (UE) no. 1025/2012.

The criteria of the BIA are distinct and independent from the harmonized standards resulting from ISO norms or other standardization bodies, and they are not ratified by national or European public institutions.