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Banking & Finance

The new challenges of finance and financial markets admit no uncertainties

The banking and financial sectors are facing new challenges and opportunities. Inflation, inequalities, market liquidity in a fragmented world, interest rate volatility, new models driven by climate change, A.I., digital banking and the adaptation of financial instruments to monetary policies require a deep understanding of the regulations and systems involved, along with a highly strategic and innovative approach to finance for the value we aim to create for clients and society.

Banks, investment funds, financial institutions, domestic and international corporations turn to us to manage the challenges posed by global markets and policies and to handle every aspect of their operations with the help of high-value insights from long-standing experience and industry knowledge.

  • We are experts in negotiation, structuring and contract documentation of various financing transactions, including leveraged finance, acquisition finance, real estate finance, asset finance, project finance, securitizations, sales of credit portfolios – including non-performing ones factoring and reverse factoring, domestic and cross-border.
  • We devote a significant portion of our activity in the sector to the intricate regulation of banking, financial markets and services, authorization proceedings, relationships with supervisory authorities and debt restructuring activities.
  • We handle the structuring of derivative financial instruments: currency, interest, credit default commodities and equity swaps, credit support and collateral contracts, within the scope of ISDA and EMA standards.

In the area of capital markets, we offer all the assistance and structuring activities required for listing operations on Italian and foreign regulated markets, as well as for those of issuances and offerings – both in Italy and abroad – of debt and equity financial instruments, including bonds, mini bonds (ex art. 32 d.l. 83/2012), convertible bonds, exchangeable bonds, asset backed securities (RMBS, CMBS, etc.), warrants and covered warrants.

Our Team

Mario Colombatto

Attorney at Law | Partner

Claudio Elestici

Attorney at Law | Partner

Fabrizio Iliceto

Attorney at Law | Partner

Giovanni Luppi

Attorney at Law | Partner

Federica Pastorino

Attorney at Law | Partner

Luitgard Spögler

Attorney at Law | Partner

Simone Di Tommaso

Attorney at Law | Counsel

Vincenzo D’ Antoni

Attorney at Law | Of Counsel

Davide Narvegna

Attorney at Law | Of Counsel

Maria Grazia Alfisi

Attorney at Law | Senior Associate

Alfredo Della Bella

Attorney at Law | Senior Associate

Delia Francese

Attorney at Law | Senior Associate

Gloria Lorenzon

Attorney at Law | Senior Associate

Guido Malpezzi

Attorney at Law | Senior Associate

Maurizio Monterisi

Attorney at Law | Senior Associate

Alessandro Magnano San Lio

Attorney at Law | Associate

La “Certificazione B Corporation” è un marchio che viene concesso in licenza da B Lab, ente privato no profit, alle aziende che, come la nostra, hanno superato con successo il B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) e soddisfano quindi i requisiti richiesti da B Lab in termini di performance sociale e ambientale, responsabilità e trasparenza.

Si specifica che B Lab non è un organismo di valutazione della conformità ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) n. 765/2008 o un organismo di normazione nazionale, europeo o internazionale ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) n. 1025/2012.

I criteri del BIA sono distinti e autonomi rispetto agli standard armonizzati risultanti dalle norme ISO o di altri organismi di normazione e non sono ratificati da parte di istituzioni pubbliche nazionali o europee.

“Certified B Corporation” is a trademark licensed by B Lab, a private non-profit organization, to companies like ours that have successfully completed the B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) and therefore meet the requirements set by B Lab for social and environmental performance,accountability, and transparency.

It is specified that B Lab is not a conformity assessment body as defined by Regulation (EU) no. 765/2008, nor is it a national, European, or international standardization body as per Regulation (UE) no. 1025/2012.

The criteria of the BIA are distinct and independent from the harmonized standards resulting from ISO norms or other standardization bodies, and they are not ratified by national or European public institutions.