Nicolò Manzini
Attorney at Law | Of Counsel

Nicolò Manzini deals with corporate and commercial law with a focus on both extrajudicial matters and litigation and arbitration.
In the judicial field, he has extensive experience in complex and large litigation cases, having, among other things, brought significant liability actions against directors and auditors of banks based in the Italian North-east. He has gained specific experience in antitrust follow-on actions and serves in internal arbitrations, both as an arbitrator and as a party advocate.
In the extrajudicial field, Nicolò advises in corporate matters and assists Italian and foreign companies in merger and acquisition transactions, including cross-border transactions, taking care of the fulfilments related to the so called “golden power” regulations. His activity is strongly international thanks to his knowledge of languages and a dense network of cross-border relationships. Nicolò is also an expert in international contracting, a field in which he assists important entities in the wine world in drafting and negotiating distribution and sales contracts and partnership agreements with foreign entities.
Nicolò has been a member of his Bar since 2000 and is currently a member of the ADR Commission and the International Relations Commission of the Verona Bar Association. He is also a member of IR Global as the exclusive contact person in Italy in the field of Arbitration and of the Union International des Avocats.