Anna Masutti
Attorney at Law | Partner

Anna Masutti has solid experience in the Transportation sector, in the management and establishment of corporations – especially those operating in the Aviation sector and airport services, their administration, control, ownership and governance systems. She has dealt with juridical issues connected to the institution, organization and governance of corporations operating in regulated markets, supporting them in the establishment of activities subjecto the control and authorizations of European institution and agencies and other entities of the Aviation sector.
Anna has extensive experience in the public procurement of works, services, and supplies, concessions, and project management & fundings.
She also deals with issues connected to State aids and, more generally, to competition regulations applied to the transport sector, coopertaing with operators and with regional, state and European authorities.
Her deep knowledge of the sector also comes from the repeated participation in Italy’s General Transport Plans, from the collaboration with European institutions in the idefntification of governance principles for the sector, and from the drafting processes of European laes to be applied in the Transport, Logistics and Aerospace sectors.
Since its inception, Anna has collaborated in the development of the European satellite programme GALILEO with the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministries the sector, major players of the Aerospace sector on matters of governance and civil liability, as well as the adoption of complex technological systems to be applied to the sector (GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite System, GALILEO and EGNOS -, Copernicus, SES, SWIM, UAV – Unmanned Air Vehicles).
Anna is full professor at the University of Bologna, President of RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA, member of the board of Assonime, EU Air Law Association Committee Member, IBA Aviation Committee Member and member of the board of AIDA Italia (International Associatino of Insurance Law).
She is a speaker and organizer of seminars and conferences with operators and associations such as AIAD (Federation of Italian Companies for Aerospace, Defense and Security) and ANIA. She is the author of several monographs in the fields of aviation law, transport and public services. She is director of ‘The Aviation and Space Journal’ of the University of Bologna, member of the scientific committee of the magazine ‘Diritto dei Trasporti’ and of the magazine published by ANIA (National Association of Insurance Companies) “Marine Aviation & Transport”.