Riccardo Ruosi

Riccardo Ruosi focuses on commercial and corporate law, assisting multinational groups and Italian clients, with particular reference to extraordinary transactions. In addition, his assistance covers ordinary assistance to companies in corporate secretarial and commercial contractual matters.
Riccardo also assists several EuVECA funds in structuring and implementing investments characterized by social impact profiles.
He graduated in Law at the University “Federico II” of Naples with a dissertation in Constitutional Law entitled “The Italian bicameralism paritarianism,” accruing, in addition, an associative experience as a member of ELSA Naples – The European Law Students’ Association, as Director and Vice President.
He attended the 38th Master “Law and Business,” at 24ORE Business School (Milan) and the Part-Time Master in Corporate Law at the same 24ORE Business School.
Riccardo joined RP Legal & Tax in 2023.