Alessio Totaro
Attorney at Law | Partner

Alessio Totaro deals with matters of commercial, international and logistics law. He has accrued particularly extensive experience in the field of business contracts and corporate law, regularly assisting leading Italian and foreign industrial groups.
After graduating cum laude from the University of Bologna, he achieved a LLM specialising in Infrastructures Law from the same University, along with a PhD in European Law. He completed part of his professional training working for important English law firms.
Alessio chairs the Supervisory Bodies of public and private companies and financial institutes supervised by the Bank of Italy. He is a member of the IBA (International Bar Association), AIJA (Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats – International Association of Young Lawyers) and AODV231 (Associazione Italiana degli Organismi di Vigilanza – Italian Association of Supervisory Bodies).
He has frequently been invited to speak in both Italy and abroad on logistics and international trade. Legal500 states that “Alessio Totaro, in addition to possessing legal skills of great depth and refinement, is a profound connoisseur of the activities carried out by the client and by the counterparties”.