Skip to content Skip to sidebar Skip to footer interviews Avv. Luigi M. Macioce on the new Italian tax regime “Resident but not domiciled”

Following the article published last March 16, 2017, on the Italian notorious Italian business newspaper “Il Sole24Ore” (link), the website interviewed Avv. Luigi M. Macioce (Partner at R&P Legal) on the recently enacted provisions concerning the new Italian tax regime “Resident but not domiciled”, aimed at encouraging foreign investments (and investors) in the “Bel Paese”. The video, available with comments both in German (link) and French (link), once again demonstrates a great interest by the foreign press – and in particular by those involved in the art sector – with regard to the topic. In fact, it is worth mentioning that the provisions enacted in 2014, aimed at granting tax bonuses for those supporting culture with charitable donations, can now be combined with the new Italian “Visa for investors” and, finally, with the new “Res non Dom” tax regime (click here for our latest update on the matter). 

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