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RP LEGAL & TAX joins the Meet in Italy for Life Science event in Genoa, 09/29-10/01 2021

The RPVenture team of RP Legal & Tax will participate in the Meet in Italy for Life Science, which will be held in Genoa between 29th September and 1st October 2021.

The firm has contributed to the coaching of the participating startups during the ”Startup Breeding” competition phase, with its partners Paolo De Carlo and Marco Gardino and the senior associate Stefano Chiarva. The Meet in Italy for Life Sciences – StartUp Breeding 2021 startup competition will conclude with a pitch in front of international investors and potential corporate partners on 1 October 2021. A jury of experts will award the title for the most innovative startup in the MIT4LS2021 (Atlantis Pitching Arena Award 2021).

RP Legal & Tax is also a supporter of the event and its professionals will hold a workshop on “Technology transfer and collaboration agreements between companies in the life science sector” on 30th September, from 9.00 am to 10.00 am, at the Sala Scirocco of the Magazzini del Cotone in the Porto Antico. Speakers will be the partner Gianluca Morretta and the associate Laura Brandoli. All those interested in participating can register at the following link:

The participation is part of the broader #RPVenture project of RP’s multidisciplinary team, in collaboration with the IP and life sciences team. Life sciences represent a key sector for the Italian economy, attracting great interest from Italian and international investors. Events such as Meet in Italy for Life Science represent a very important meeting point for operators in the sector.

Our professionals will be present every day of the conference.
The event website:

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La “Certificazione B Corporation” è un marchio che viene concesso in licenza da B Lab, ente privato no profit, alle aziende che, come la nostra, hanno superato con successo il B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) e soddisfano quindi i requisiti richiesti da B Lab in termini di performance sociale e ambientale, responsabilità e trasparenza.

Si specifica che B Lab non è un organismo di valutazione della conformità ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) n. 765/2008 o un organismo di normazione nazionale, europeo o internazionale ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) n. 1025/2012.

I criteri del BIA sono distinti e autonomi rispetto agli standard armonizzati risultanti dalle norme ISO o di altri organismi di normazione e non sono ratificati da parte di istituzioni pubbliche nazionali o europee.